Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Easter Fun!

Spring is at Annabelle's!

As I was looking for ideas for my own centerpiece for spring
I came across these.
I thought you might enjoy them.

Display all you wonderful chocolates in a basket!
From bunnies, chickens & eggs.

Or spray a vintage basket lightly.
Then stuff the bottom with paper and line the rest of it
with plastic and fill with potting soil.
Plant some clover which will spread & thicken.
Then add your bunny and colored eggs
and finish with some pretty ribbon!

These look like fun!
They are made of wrapped paper streamers.
As you unwind the paper, you find little trinkets.
Fill them with jewelry, a novelty, a toy.
Display them as a centerpiece or leave them by the
door as favors.

Use your egg cups for cut  flowers.

 fill empty egg shells with tiny little flowers
and place them in your egg cups.

Decorated bird nest also bring the look of Spring!
Add fresh pussy willow branches to your nest.
Then fill it with decorative eggs.

Or use pliable birch branches
and circle an ordinary wooden basket.
Attach it with 24-gauge brown wire.
Line with plastic and fill with potting soil
 and plant your flowers.
There-----you have a beautiful
centerpiece and the aroma-- mmmmmmmm!

I hope this inspired you!